dimanche 23 octobre 2022

Wifi signals - Wen Jie Junjie



«  There are WiFi signals of five areas I wrote by hand, 

I got them with my mobile phone while walking, and recorded it one by one. » 

Wen Jie Junjie


jeudi 20 octobre 2022

Visual Poetry - Pete Spence



"one of my Lettrist works from 1980's"



 Stone, circa mid 1980


 "one of my visuals just found around early 1990's i think"



"rough paste-up of something
i finished today" (4 octobre 2013)

mardi 18 octobre 2022

Traces de mes ancêtres - Abdelhaq Djellab


Traces de mes ancêtres

10M X 3 M
Octobre 2022
Abdelhaq Djellab (°1965), painter and calligrapher, was born and raised in Algeria. He followed several art courses at the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Algiers and in Constantine. Abdelhaq or Hakou as he draws, lives in the Aurès, a mountainous region in northeastern Algeria, characterized by both its rich culture and its traditional population, including the Berber community of the Chaouis. He takes inspiration from the everyday things that surround him, from nature and from the nomadic life. The artist masters all techniques, both watercolor, oil paint and ink. Influenced by painters such as Vincent Van Gogh, he resolutely opted for Fauvism. It is in this style that the artist excels in landscapes, floral splendor and portraits. However, that doesn't stop him from appreciating and practicing other art forms, including Arabic calligraphy. He has already exhibited in Djerba, India and Lebanon. 


lundi 17 octobre 2022

I'M NOT DREAMING (5FPS) - Michael Paulukonis

Michael Paulukonis (he/him, b. 1970) is an artist and programmer, who lives and works in Metro-West Boston (USA). His work bounces like a pinball between perfect digital surfaces and pseudo-analog digital dirt. Although he loves to spout theory and concepts, most of his creation is instinctual peregrination.


samedi 15 octobre 2022

Ubu Hubbub - Christian Bök

Christian Bök performs a repertoire of poems at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle III 
in Paris (France) for 'Voice and Vision' (22 May 2008). 
Visit Christian Bök at: https://www.umlautmachine.net/

lundi 3 octobre 2022

The Microbiome Is A Community of Microorganism - Michael Orr



Michael Orr finds his muse in the mixing of mediums and tools. Combining strong geometric abstractions with natural forms and text, occasionally creating patterns from repeating motifs, he invites the viewer to consider the organized chaos of the modern world. Michael likes to watch TV.
